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Slovenija zastopana na World Pitch&Putt Tour (WPPT) v Španiji

Pretekli vikend se je na P&P igrišču Lleida, Katalonija, odvijalo prvo tekmovanje v okviru WPPT. To tekmovanje je primerljivo z Golf FedExCup (PGA Tour) in Race to Dubai (European Tour). Pri nastanku omenjenega tekmovanja smo sodelovali na nivoju priprave osnutka statuta tudi iz naslova PPZS.

Tekmovanja smo se iz strani PPZS udeležili z dvema tekmovalcema: Matjaž Lavrih in njegov sin, Anže Lavrih, ki sta se odlično odrezala. V prvih dveh krogih po 18 lukenj je Matjaž Lavrih odigral par igrišča, medtem ko je Anže Lavrih dosegel izjemen rezultat -5 in samo za en udarec zgrešil uvrstitev v nedeljski finalni krog tekmovanja. Konkurenca je bila vrhunska, saj so bili prisotni večinoma najboljši svetovni Pitch&Putt igralci. Čestitke obema za odličen rezultat!

Slovenia represented at the World Pitch & Putt Tour (WPPT) in Spain.

Last weekend, the first WPPT competition took place at the P&P course Lleida, Catalonia. This competition is comparable to the Golf FedExCup (PGA Tour) and the Race to Dubai (European Tour). From PPAS we also participated in preparation of the statute draft of the mentioned competition.

We participated in the competition from PPAS with two competitors: Matjaž Lavrih and his son, Anže Lavrih, who did very well. In the first two 18-hole rounds, Matjaž Lavrih played a par, while Anže Lavrih achieved an exceptional result of 5 under par and missed the placement in Sunday's final round of the competition by only one shot. The competition was top notch as most of the world’s best Pitch & Putt players were present. Congratulations to both of them for a great result!

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